Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The BRAIN!!!!

You wake up in the morning to hearing your alarm clock go off.
 You move your feet out of bed. 
After getting dressed, you feel hungry so you go to the kitchen to eat. 
Later, when it is time to leave, you drive your car to work. 
As you pass by your co-workers, you recall each of their names and say hello to them. 
You multi-task and make decisions on the next step to take after reasoning the different outcomes. 
After feeling hungry and eating lunch, you must drive to pick up something at a store. 
As you drive, you are processing sensory information of the cars around you at the light. 
The light turns green, so you go. 
All of a sudden, a car pulls out near you and almost hits you. 
After a couple of minutes of interpreting the situation is safe, you realize your heart rate is starting to lower back down from its high peak. 

In every sentence above, you are using a different part of your brain. 

Do you ever wonder how your brain completes so many tasks, learns and creates new things, triggers you to eat and when to sleep, and remembers  at the end of the day all that you did ? 

Have you ever wondered what your brain looks like inside?

The brain is an amazing part of the body, acting like a giant computer or control center! 
 Join us, as we discover the different parts that direct our daily life!

First, I tried my hand at home-made modeling clay, but it cracked horribly. So I went to Hobby Lobby and tried air-hardening clay.

It came out beautiful when wet, but after it hardened it was super delicate and shattered into pieces. 
NOTE: never make a 3-D model of the brain out of air-hardening clay ever again!

I then gave it one more chance and went to Hobby Lobby and bought multi-colored modeling clay, a egg-shaped paper mache, neon colored pipe cleaners, a wooden rod, and a block of Styrofoam. And here are the results....

Hippocampus- memory

Amaygdala- emotions (fear), discrimination of objects for survival

Hypothalamus- drives and motives, emotions and stress

Thalamus- relay information from higher and lower brain

Reticular- walking, sleeping, activates other parts of brain to produce arousal

Pons- sleep and arousal

Medulla- regulates breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, and reflexes

Puitary gland- regulates all other endocrine glands

corpus callosum- pass information between left and right hemispheres

Hope you enjoyed our journey through the different parts of the brain! 

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